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Traditionally, UX has viewed SEO as being disruptive to design and communication, and SEO believe UX overlooks searchability. In this webinar, we'll walk through how designers think and what they value, understanding contrasting and differing language and tools in SEO and UX communities, and how to better integrate and add value to design workflows as an SEO.

In this webinar we'll discuss some of the persistent myths surrounding international SEO and cover how best to build and execute a solid international SEO strategy, including the importance of choosing the right site structure for your business, localization as it relates to ranking, which language tags you need to use.

The essence of marketing is being able to give credit where credit's due. Campaign tagging makes that possible in a significant way, but it can also quickly go awry. In this Mozinar you'll learn tips and tricks for setting up a campaign tracking framework and cleaning up campaign data that's gone off the rails.

Tracking success in content marketing can be tough, and effectively reporting on it can be even harder. Learn about collecting necessary metrics from a variety of tools, then walk through a downloadable spreadsheet designed to help you in your reporting efforts.

For all but the fewest of brand's, content strategy comes down to creating content—blogs, ebooks, infographics, etc. That's a losing game. This webinar walks through placing strategy at the forefront, allowing it to guide the discovery, design, and creation process.